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How Slow Can You Go?

Developing Self Control

It seems that minutes after their first step, little ones are off and running. Not walking. Running! And of course, you start running too. Did you ever wonder why kids move so fast?

Slowing It Down

Going fast feels good and is a large part of why “fast” is a young child’s default speed. But it’s not the only reason.


Slow is harder than fast for kids. The physics of forward momentum take over part of the job their sense of balance normally does. That means the brain and body are working double-time, managing balance and complex movements at the same time. Since that’s all a work in progress, fast is one of the ways they keep their balance.


Why Slow Matters

Fast is fun and good for them, of course, but we like to slow them down too... at least sometimes. You see, going slow engages the brain in a deeper way, giving it the time it needs to receive, analyze, and store all that sensory information. 


In short, going slow refines their sense of balance, while giving them a taste of controlled movement. More, slow takes concentration. Specifically, physical concentration, which in the early years, is one of the most powerful ways to feed the brain.

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What You Can Do

You probably already know that telling your child to go slow doesn't work very well. It’s probably not because they don't want to. It's just hard for them. And remember they don’t really understand the difference between fast and slow yet.


Like everything with preschoolers, it’s easier to turn things into fun. So try turning slow into game. Here are three quick ideas to get your started...


Learning Self-Control is Fun!

Getting little ones to slow down is easier than you might think!​




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Learning nuance and adaptability.


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Leveling the play for fun and development.


Don't measure. Treasure. 


And there's more...

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